Thursday 7 July 2016

“Until black lives matters to black lives, nobody cares” - Cynthia Morgan

Cynthia Morgan, is a Nigerian born songwriter and singer made a crucial point in her article, is so true. Please read………………..

I am not an American, but I am a black woman. Maybe the America saga is none of my business but I am Human, Ok, I have seen two of the most horrific videos in my life time.
Never seen somebody die that way with no respect whatsoever and all I see is black people ranting on social media created by our white friends. Some of them might not like us, just know we caused it.

It all goes back to when it all started. White people bought slaves from who? BLACK people, and who are these slaves? Black people. We sold ourselves out and lost our respect the day this trade took place.

A white man cannot have respect for a race that sold their own race to other race not for marriage or better life but for slavery. White people being smart enough then they thought superior and gained it. Have you ever thought It could have been the other way round?

Cynthia Morgan.
Like the whites could have been in this position right now? but one race was just smarter at that point in time. Now our forefathers already made that mistake. Can we correct it? Yes. How? By gaining our respect and equality and it’s not by fighting these white people, it’s about knowing ourselves and finding our respect and in doing so, regrets and blames won’t help us.

Now we have to stand up and earn our respects back, and it’s not by crying on social media and begging for equality like spoilt babies.

Ya all need a Black Nation.
invest more on black people and black ideas.
Let every black life count to you as a black person first before you preach it to other people.
White people have every right to be proud and do whatever pleases them. It’s only natural, that’s how people act when they see all your comfort and life depends on them.

What we are fighting is more than just colour thing, It’s more of mentality problems and it’s a way of the devil putting separation and chaos in the world so we all won’t come together and be in peace.

If we all in peace how then can he fulfils taking people to hell with him? And this has to be fought with God’s knowledge not guns, only cowards pull guns in a towel fight, even this cops knows this.

The only reason why white cops don’t and wouldn’t kill a white man is because they respect themselves and they know what they have put into building their nation. It’s hard before you see a white man pull a white man down intentionally.

Black People Are special people, we need to believe more in ourselves. You all can’t even come back to Africa because Africa is not ready for ya’ll. Most of you forgot your roots and stayed angry that they sold your forefathers out but somehow you still prefer it there.

Black people might no longer be in chains of a white man physically but somehow they still are mentally. We Need To build our own so we can earn our own respect back. Put some respect in you as a black man, else we are always going to be 2nd choice.

Until black lives matters to black lives, nobody cares. I am good with my black people with a couple of white friends, but if they wouldn’t have me I wouldn’t either. #Bless

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