Wednesday 27 February 2013

Prince Harry Learns Sign Language In Lesotho

 Prince Harry has gone back into the classroom in Lesotho to learn sign language to help him communicate with children being helped by his Sentebale charity.

The Prince was touring two centres helping vulnerable children living in the former British protectorate, which is one of the most impoverished nations on the continent.
His first visit was to the Kananelo Centre for the Deaf on the outskirts of the capital of Maseru, where he learnt sign language and even took part in a kneeling dance with children there.
Sky News' special correspondent Alex Crawford, in the capital, said: "He interacts incredibly beautifully with young people, even those who are deaf and obviously communication is an issue.
"But he was learning and asking them through sign language experts what their favourite subjects were at school and they were all really straining to talk to him, obviously overwhelmed by him."
The Prince, who recently completed a four-and-a-half-month tour of Afghanistan, set up the charity with Lesotho's Prince Seeiso in 2006 in memory of both of their mothers.
 The two princes took also took part in a cookery class, making a kind of doughnut known in the local Sesotho language as makoenya.
Harry was also visiting St Bernadette's Resource Centre for the Blind in the city where he will watch children learning Braille and join students for a game of five-a-side football.
The last time the 28-year-old was in Lesotho was in June 2010 when he took his brother, the Duke of Cambridge, to see Sentebale's work as part of their first joint overseas trip.
Later Harry will fly to nearby Johannesburg in South Africa for a fundraising dinner in aid of a major new Sentebale project to build a permanent centre for children and young people.
The Mamohato Centre - named after Prince Seeiso's late mother - will provide psychological care and peer mentoring for children and young people with HIV/Aids.
Lesotho has a population of 1.8 million, half of those are under 18, and of those 40% are classed as vulnerable or are orphans.

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