Friday, 11 August 2017

Watch Video: Exclusive Egyptian Perfume Oil

Fellow Talktokemi Readers,

Hope all is well? Above is a video introducing Karas Perfume.  If you are planning to visit Hurghada Egypt do not hesitate to visit Karas Perfume.  They have and mixes all fragrance of perfume oils thereby producing a uniquely lovely pleasant smell. 

I can tell you for a fact that Karas is a perfume oil shop with elegance, a classy shop in the ever so beautiful fun loving Serenity Fun City Resort.
If  you decide to visit Hurghada-Egypt and you know for sure that you will be visiting Karas Perfume Oil, contact me for a discount code.
Feel free to watch the video above, please remember to subscribe if you would like to view more videos from me..

Yours Truly

Ttk Blogger


  1. Beautiful bottles sure they smell nice

  2. I bet they smell good too, nice kemi
