Wednesday 19 June 2013

Crucial Health Benefits Of Grapefruit

Delicious, grapefruit is very low in calories, consists of just 42 calories per 100 g.
Nonetheless; it is rich in dietary insoluble fiber pectin, which by acting as a bulk laxative helps to protect the colon mucous membrane by decreasing exposure time to toxic substances in the colon as well as binding to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon.

2. Pectin has also been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels by decreasing re-absorption of cholesterol binding bile acids in the colon.

3. The fruit contains very good levels of vitamin-A and flavonoid antioxidants such as naringenin, and naringin. Besides, it is a moderate source of lycopene, beta-carotene, xanthin and lutein. Studies suggest that these compounds have antioxidant properties and are essential for vision.

4. Further, vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin-A, and flavonoids helps to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.

5. It is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin-C; Vitamin-C is a powerful natural anti-oxidant and helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful free radicals. It, furthermore, is required for the maintenance of healthy connective tissue and aids in early wound healing. It also facilitates dietary iron absorption from the intestine.

6. 100 g of fresh fruit contains about 135 mg of potassium electrolyte. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids, helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure through countering sodium effects.

7. Red varieties of grapefruits are especially rich in the most powerful flavonoid antioxidant, lycopene. Studies have shown that lycopene protects skin damage from UV rays, and offers protection against prostate cancer.

8. Additionally, it contains moderate levels of B-complex group of vitamins such as folates, riboflavin, pyridoxine, and thiamin in addition to some resourceful minerals such as iron, calcium, copper, and phosphorus.

Preparation and serving method
Wash Grapefruits under cool water before eating in order to rid off any dirt or pesticide residues, even though you are probably not eating the peel, since cutting into an unwashed fruit may transfer dirt or bacteria that residing within the skin into flesh.
They can be eaten like oranges. Slice the fruit horizontally into two halves and scoop out its sections using a spoon. In the other method, make few vertical superficial scores on the skin and then peel it using fingers or with a knife. Remove rind and fibers and gently peel off membranes and seeds.
Here are some serving tips:
Grapefruits slices with fruit salad-topped toast.
Grapefruit juice can be a refreshing intra-day drink.
It is also used in the preparation of desserts, jams, and jellies. Its peel can be candied as in oranges.

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