Wednesday 19 June 2013

Ridiculous Things Woman Do Because Of Money

As weird as hairy leg stockings may seem, they're not the strangest defense tactic for women to consider. A doctor in South Africa invented an anti-rape condom. 
Dubbed the "Rape-aXe" the condom has jagged barbs inside it that hook on to the rapist's sex member, and once attached can only be removed surgically by a doctor.

Mrs Jimoh Mulikat Adebukola and her six-year-old twins were caught at Lagos Airport carrying 4.050 kg of substance confirmed as cocaine. She concealed 3.350kg in almost every part of her body, including on her breast and underwear. 

She also used her innocent six years old twins to carry about 700 grammes of the illicit drugs. Spokesman of the NDLEA, Mitchell Ofoyeju, quoted Mrs Jimoh as saying:
“I have problem of my children’s school fees. I have six children and I intend to give them good education. I also have younger ones and aged parents to take care of. They asked me to swallow the drugs, but I was afraid, that is why I packed them in my body.”
Now that she is going to prison, how will she pay the school fees? People really need to be wise!

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