Wednesday 16 October 2013

'Told To Drink Bleach' was a "contributing factor" to a girl's decision to take her own life

Two girls arrested for bullying a 12-year-old who then committed suicide intimidated their victim repeatedly, calling her names and at one point telling her "to drink bleach and die", police said.

Rebecca Sedwick climbed a tower at an abandoned concrete plant in central Florida and hurled herself to her death on September 9.

Katelyn Roman, 12, and Guadalupe Shaw, 14, repeatedly and maliciously harassed Rebecca between last December and February when all three went to Crystal Lake Middle School, police said.
"Several students corroborated stories of both girls bullying Sedwick on different occasions, through name-calling, intimidation, threats to beat her up, and at least one actual physical fight," a statement from the Polk County Sheriff's Office said.
Rebecca Sedwick
Rebecca Sedwick took her own life last September
Even after Rebecca's death, Shaw continued to make comments about her online, even bragging about the bullying, Sheriff Grady Judd said.
"Yes, I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself but I don't give a ...' and you can add the last word yourself," the sheriff said, quoting a Facebook post by the suspect.
The bullying began after Shaw began dating a boy that Rebecca had been seeing.
"It shocked me, it made me mad. She should have just told somebody," the boy, John Borgen, said.
Witnesses said Shaw had several arguments with Rebecca, both via Facebook and at school, police said.

"Witnesses reported that Shaw sent messages to Rebecca, calling her ugly, telling her to drink bleach and die, and telling Rebecca that she should kill herself.
"Shaw tried to instigate physical fights with Rebecca on more than one occasion."
Shaw convinced Roman to stop being friends with Rebecca, and also instigated a fight between the two.

When questioned by detectives, Roman admitted that she "bullied" Rebecca, and that she was sorry for doing it, police said.
The sheriff's office statement said the harassment "was likely a contributing factor in Rebecca’s decision to commit suicide".
Sheriff Judd said they were still investigating the girls, and trying to decide whether the parents should be charged.

"I'm aggravated that the parents aren't doing what parents should do," he said.
"Responsible parents take disciplinary action."

From Skynews

1 comment:

  1. D parent cannot be charged, they re innocent.
