Friday 24 April 2015

Mila Reacts To Lady Who Claim Chicken Theft 25 Years Ago

An American actress Mila Kunis has reacted to lawsuit by a wanna-be musician who claimed she stole her chicken 25 years ago.
The woman is seeking $5000 for the emotional trauma the alleged theft caused her. Reacting in a video with husband Ashton Kutcher, Kutcher said on a new app Meerkat (which he is an investor in) via TMZ.

"Let's just get this clear. You stole a chicken from a one-month-old child who spoke to you in an entire conversation? It's just shocking to me "It's shocking to me that news organizations, real journalists out there that have fact-checked this story didn't pick up on the fact that this girl was one month old and having a conversation with you from Ukraine. Speaking in English in one month? This is the smartest girl I've ever heard of. "So this girl has a music video coming out at the same time she's suing you for $5,000 for the stolen chicken when she was one month old and you were seven?" Kutcher asked. 

Responding to Ashton, Mila mocked

"I was devastated. I was weeping. I was dumbfounded, when first hearing the news. "I was like, which chicken did I steal? I was obviously in the village when I stole these chickens so I apologized to this woman who may or may not have been a month old." 

"I would like to launch a counter $5,000 lawsuit for making me watch that music video. My body hurts. My eyes hurt. They're burning," Kunis joked. "I feel like I will be a chicken fighter for a very long time. I would never steal somebody else's chicken." 

After listening to Mila, Kutcher said:

"I believe this woman. I know her very well, "I believe she's an ethical person that wouldn't steal chicken. You heard it right from the chicken's mouth."

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