Friday 10 July 2015

Home Destroyed 9 Year Old Carried Out Home Work Using Streetlight

Despite his home being destroyed by fire, with a widowed mother and a sick sibling, he was determined to finish his education. Good boy!
This photo of a nine year old homeless boy spotted doing his homework in the street by the light of a McDonald's restaurant has gone viral.

The photo was taken outside a branch of McDonald's in the Filipino capital Manila by student Joyce Torrefranca who snap the photo of Daniel Cabrera told CBS.

"For me as a student, it just hit me a lot, like big time.

"I seldom go to coffee shops to study. And then this kid, he doesn't have anything but he has dedication to study."
Every night, Daniel, who is a Grade three student, patiently studies under the lights of the fast food chain branch. He said despite their current situation, he is determined to finish his studies to be able to help his family.

Rosalina Detuya, one of Daniel's teachers is impressed by the boy's perseverance.

She said:

"Daniel is a happy child. He is also intelligent and actually answers during class discussion, he really participates.
The local social welfare officer is said to have visited the Cabrera family to know what assistance it can offer to the boy and what livelihood assistance it can give to his mother.

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