Wednesday 8 July 2015

'ISIS can go f**k themselves’ – Shaggy

The Mr Lover Lover ummmh star Shaggy said ISIS listening to his music can stop the ISIS from carrying out their brutal beheading.
The 46-year-old Jamaican who actually served as a US marine in Iraq during the first Gulf War - suggested that Western armies should find a way to pump his music into ISIS terror camps, guaranteeing it would inject some emotion into them.

During a promotional interview with the Miami New Times, when asked if his new singe titled "Go f**k Yourself "was aimed at anybody in particular, Shaggy said

'ISIS can go f**k themselves. That’s some crazy shit what they’re doing. It’s horrible, man. I can’t see... I don’t get that much hate. I just don’t get that level of evil. I can’t understand it,' he said.
If you’re able to cut a man’s head off, you’re sick. But right music evokes emotion. So if they’re listening to Shaggy music or reggae music, they’re not going to want to cut somebody’s head off,'(More below)

'There’re two thing you want to do when you listen to reggae: You get somebody pregnant, or you’re f**king high. High people don’t want to kill nothing; they want to love. They need to bag some Jamaican weed and distribute it amongst ISIS. I guarantee there won’t be any more wars out there.


  1. Mr bombastic has spoken

  2. Lolzzzz Mr Bombastic don't let them come for you.

  3. So sick beyond cure

  4. At least he spoke out against them... nt many celebrities would dare! nice one bruv
