Thursday 9 July 2015

More Pictures Of Dapo Who Transformed Into Complete Woman

8 Photos Of Male Ex-OAU Student Who Turned To Woman8 Photos Of Male Ex-OAU Student Who Turned To Woman
If you missed an interview published on Dapo Adaralegbe, please click here.  The former student of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), transformed into a woman and is now known as Stephanie Rose.
Stephanie Rose has been in the news recently for her controversial and outspoken views on God, whom she believes is very wicked, senseless and daft.

Dapo, who attended OAU from 1995 to 2001, was, according to him, expelled over his identity crisis. He travelled to Europe where he underwent extensive surgery to become Stephanie Rose.

Here are 8 photos that depicted Dapo Adaralegbe’s gradual transformation into Stephanie Rose. 

In an interview he granted before he travelled abroad, then known as Dapo, Stephanie spoke about his life as a trans-sexu­al, how he is a woman trapped in a man’s body and his ordeal during his time at OAU.

 Dapo as a student just before he turned into a complete woman.


  1. This boy is sick needs immediate help

  2. something is wrong somewhere dis is not normal
