Wednesday 11 November 2015

Leader Summit: Intense African Migratory Pressures

People classified as economic migrants rather than refugees, Europe is poised to provide more money to help solve conflicts and poverty in Africa; a summit beginning in Malta today brings together representatives from Africa and the EU.

About 50 leaders will try and find a solution to the crisis, including countries where many of the refugees and migrants originate from such as Eritrea, Niger, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan.

The meeting on the small Mediterranean island, which has seen thousands of people making the perilous crossing by boat, comes as a group of Greek divers spoke of the "dark day" they pulled the bodies of 11 women and children from the wreck of a migrant boat.

Speaking to the Maltese parliament ahead of the summit, European Council President Donald Tusk said the crisis "will challenge and change the EU as fundamentally as any treaty amendment, national election or monetary crisis".

He added that EU leaders must find a way of better managing the "intense migratory pressures."

This year 1.2m people entered the EU illegally.

Slovenia, one of the countries that is on the frontline of the crisis, has started building a barbed-wire fence on its border with Croatia.

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