Friday 24 June 2016

Boris Johnson Enlarged Fan Base (Will Boris Be The Next UK Prime Minister?)

The former London mayor Boris Johnson has long been making sure he's the man his party will turn to in its hour of need.
According to report, Boris Johnson signed a letter last week saying that whatever the result in the EU referendum David Cameron should remain as Prime Minister, seemingly making it clear that he's not interested in a post-Brexit coup.

Well, that's no longer required.

Last month I was in a hotel bar in Exeter while Mr Johnson was holding court with a dozen journalists after the first day of the Brexit Bus campaign through the West Country.
Mr Johnson thought this unlikely and used this point to underpin the point that his stance on the EU was in no way political opportunism.

But perhaps Boris wasn't thinking about being asked to be in the Cabinet – rather he wanted to be the one doing the asking.

The bus tour that day around the West Country, like much of the campaign, has served to push up his profile and arguably also his Conservative leadership credentials.

The campaign happened to take place in many key Conservative marginal seats, and although he was travelling with Labour MP Gisela Stuart – it was a Boris extravaganza.

As one journalist pointed out "No one is calling it the Gisela Stuart Bus".

So following a quasi-prime ministerial campaign Boris with asparagus, Boris with a pasty, Boris with ice cream, he has potentially enlarged his fan base.

Conservatives are grateful that he'd travelled to their town; that he was standing up for their concerns about immigration and lost sovereignty to the EU.

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