Friday 10 June 2016

Plane Crashed Into Car Park 3 Dead

Witnesses said the plane appeared to have fallen from the sky and dropped to the ground. 
"There was a great big loud noise, like a bomb and a real screechy noise. When I looked out I saw the plane in the parking lot," Susan Conklin, who was in her resale shop across the street from the hardware store when the crash occurred, said in a phone interview.
Conklin said that after the crash, she didn't see any movement from inside the plane and people didn't immediately rush to the plane over concern it might explode.

"It was scary," she said.
No one was in the parked car that was hit by a plane, which had either just taken off or was landing at nearby Hobby Airport.

Three people have died after the plane crashed into a car park in Texas.

The aircraft hit an employee's vehicle outside a hardware store near a Houston airport at 1pm on Thursday, said police.

Fire Capt Ruy Lozano says the three people killed in the accident were believed to have been on the plane.

The tragedy could have been much worse as the Cirrus single-engine SR-20 narrowly missed the Ace Hardware Store, which was full of people, said police.

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