Thursday 7 July 2016

Should Tony Blair Face Prosecution For Iraq War?

Roger Bacon, whose son Matthew was killed by a roadside bomb, said families of the 179 who died in the conflict reserved the right "to call specific parties to answer for their actions in the courts".

Sarah O'Connor, whose brother Bob died when a military plane was shot down near Baghdad in 2005, described Mr Blair as "the world's worst terrorist".

Calls are growing for former UK prime minister Tony Blair to face prosecution over the lead-up to the Iraq war, following the Chilcot Inquiry's report yesterday.

The former prime minister was revealed to have told then US President George W Bush "I will be with you whatever", eight months before British troops were sent into the troubled country in 2003.

The report also found that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein posed "no imminent threat", that Mr Blair had relied on "flawed" intelligence and that diplomatic options had not been exhausted by the time the invasion began.
Reg Keys, whose son Tom died in Iraq, said it was clear that Mr Blair had "deliberately misled" the country.
Shadow cabinet minister Paul Flynn said that prosecution of Mr Blair should be "seriously considered" but Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn stopped short of making the same call.


  1. UK should move on from the iraq saga and face the problem at hand

  2. What about Bush?
