Monday 22 August 2016

Mayowa’s Death A Slap On Greedy Leaders n Nigeria’s Poor Health Service

I saw the report on Mayowa Shukurat Ahmed’s death on Sunday but I was reluctant to publish as am not sure of the credibility of the site, I thought the report might not be true but Encomium as also confirmed that the patient who Nigerians raised medical fund for with the help and support of actress Toyin Aimakhu passed away on Sunday. Ummmmm Sad……………
That a country with abundant medical expertise lacks facilities to treat its citizens with life threatening ailments is a shame further exposed by the very sick graduate of University of Lagos.

The appeal by Mayowa Shukurat Ahmed, the 31 year old stage 4 ovarian cancer victim, about a month ago, is a moving tale that showcases Nigeria’s shame in health care services.
The video of the frail lady, who died yesterday (Sunday, August 21) in South Africa, is a slap on our leaders.

Watch the moving video…