Friday 23 March 2018

Almajiri’s Hands Amputated After Being Brutalized Teacher

A young student of an Islamic scholar identified as Zubairu, who was brutally flogged on both hands and seriously injured in the process by his teacher, Sirajo, had his hands which was badly infected amputated by doctors.
Online sources claim that Zubairu was beaten with cane, and brutalized with a knife by his teacher for committing an undisclosed offense. His hands had to be amputated at the Federal Medical Centre, Gombe, after the resulting wounds worsened. 

There has been several reports about the physical abuses, almajiris in the northern part of the country undergo in the hands of their teachers. In 2017, there was a human rights activist, Aishat Alubankudi, called on the Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai, to urgently investigate and bring to justice an Islamic scholar in the state, Mallam Sufi, for allegedly chaining one of his Almajiri students so as to prevent him from escaping.

Alubankudi who brought the ugly incident to the public sphere narrated how Mallam Sufi chained the young boy’s feet ,and sent him out to the streets to beg for alms after his parents sent him to the teacher, to learn the rudiments of the Islam religion.

Her post read;

“This boy was sent to an Islamic school in Zaria from Ɓoko village in Zamfara State. His teacher put chains on him and sent him to beg for food to eat.

The name of the Mallam is Sufi, at Rimin Tsiwa quarters in Zaria City, Kaduna State. The Islamic School is adjacent Alhaji Sani Rimin Tsiwa house.

It’s part of the menace of Almajiri system. Maybe the boy finds it difficult to adapt to the system and wanted to run away, so he was chained when they caught him.”
The post which got the attention of many social media users, left some condemning the actions of the Islamic teacher, while others blamed the parents of the kid for sending their son to become an Alamijiri.

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