Tuesday 27 March 2018

President Buhari Admits Nigeria Is In Turbulence

Image result for President Buhari Admits Nigeria Is In TurbulenceImage result for President Buhari Admits Nigeria Is In Turbulence
President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday admitted that Nigeria has been turbulent since he came on board in 2015. The president made this comment while inaugurating the Food Security Council chaired by him.
Excerpts From Buhari's Speech At The FSC Inauguration... 

“Two weeks ago, I announced my intention to establish and chair a presidential level committee that focuses on food security, I am happy that today it has become a reality. Nigeria’s journey in the last three (3) years, has been a very turbulent one. The country’s need for critical job creating sectors which has been ignored for decades is now beginning to yield results. 

We introduced the National Social Investment Programmes targeting millions of Nigerians who are living from hand to mouth. We launched agricultural programmes focusing on import substitution, job creation and rural development thereby bringing socio-economic transformation to the millions of citizens living in some of the most remote rural parts of our country... These programmes and many more, have started yielding results and if sustained, will transform the lives of millions of Nigerians across the country. 

We are well aware that the full results will not be felt or seen overnight. The journey is long. It is therefore our collective duty to ensure the actual and potential positive impacts of these programmes are sustained, improved and expanded.

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