Friday 27 July 2018

Pastor Paul Adefarasin Stresses Need For Bible Study

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Pastor Paul Adefarasin stresses the need for Bible study on Twitter.
In a series of tweets, the House on the Rock founder an senior pastor highlights the need and benefits of reading the scriptures.
Why Christians need Bible study
He started on July 23, 2018, writing, "Make time to have continuing conversations with God through prayer & His word every day. The Righteous live by faith, not by cheap talk; faith comes by continuously listening to God as He speaks. Listen to Him; obey His every word & your destiny won't be destroyed but fulfilled."

Pastor Adefarasin continued the next day by pointing out the rewards of Bible study.

His tweet read, " Food is necessary but feasting on the Word of God is so much better - it gives you joy, strength & might. Like food, the Bible says you have to taste & see that the Lord is good. May you experience God in a new level as you taste & begin to see Him as He really is in Jesus name."

On July 25th, the cleric focused on how and when to study the Word.

"Food is ready! To prepare & enjoy the feast of God's word, pick an early time of the day to read, meditate on & memorize it; pick a place for your devotion & pick a plan on how to study God's word. As you do this, God will sanctify it & reveal Himself to you like never before," he tweeted. 

The next day, he encouraged his followers to read everything in the Bible, not just the good parts.

"As you read the Bible, don't avoid the parts that show you God's terrifying wrath. If you don't know God's terror, you won't fully appreciate what you have escaped as a Believer. It's scary to see the dread of God's might & wrath but beautiful to see it with His grace and mercy," Pastor Adefarasin concludes.

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