Monday 20 August 2018

‘Nigeria & Ghana should merge and become one country, NigGha’ – Ice Prince says

What do you think guys? Yesterday, Nigerian rapper, Ice Prince caused an uproar when he suggested that Nigerian and Ghana should merge and become one country which will be called NigGha.
It’s unclear what prompted this suggestion but we think it might not be unconnected to his former manager, Tobi Sanni who got married to his Ghanaian lover, Becca over the weekend.

The rapper tweeted: 
Dear AU (aka African Union) Please take my Ad-Vice: Its time to make Nigeria and Ghana one country for real. I suggest the ‘Federal Republic Of NigGha.

However, of all the responses he got, popular journalist, Osagie Alonge’s words hit home. He simply told him ‘drop the weed bro’. Lol

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