Friday, 9 November 2018

Search for good governance in 2019 (2)

Image result for atikuImage result for atiku
There we were and here we are again. My editor changed the title of my topic from “ATIKU IN GOVERNANCE: NO PROBITY, NO TANGIBLE EXPERIENCE”. I looked for the meaning of the words “probity” and “tangible” before yours sincerely chose them in view of the issues at stake.
Probity with respect to its synonyms includes goodness, decency, honesty, integrity, honour, virtue, godliness and saintliness. While tangible refers to touchable, concrete, physical, real, solid, substantial, material and corporeal. I got myself additional vocabulary from the word corporeal, which according to the Oxford dictionary essentially talks about “that which can be touched”. It is also in line with the word tangible in the caption.

All the same, the buck stops on the table of the Editor as he is in charge. And as I said a few weeks ago, I should like not to contest with him on matters of semantics and the mundane.
In leadership, where trust and the destiny of millions of people are involved, no matter the come that is to become, we should not shy away from heavy scrutiny with regards to “probity” and capacity which ensure that the leader has “tangible” experience in any endeavour. We should keep in view that the progress, the prosperity or otherwise of Nigerians are correlated. Sentiments must be set aside so that we are not saddled with snakes in the form of vipers and serpents from the crooked past leaders and party crooks with questionable credentials that make them unfit to rule. Just because corruption has been a way of life in Nigeria should not make it permanent.

Those whose living interests are to steal from the public treasury and are unrepentant, should not be voted to power.
As they say, no condition is permanent. So deadly snakes that are extremely poisonous that can swallow a 21 years young man should not be allowed to come near the public treasury as the PDP misrule for 16 years manifested. Most or all are in the Atiku, Obasanjo, IBB camp itching to return to the bad old days. They are losing the juicy oil blocks monopoly that creates the baboon de chop culture while monkeys that represent the common man remain poor. The teeming masses who should be paid salaries and pensions from the proceeds of the oil wealth and the establishment of health, education, food and the infrastructure to sustain these basic needs of the people not in government pay are diverted for the greed of these few privileged parasites. It is a ratio of less than 1000 to 150 million. One cannot even calculate the percentage.

The amalgam comprises of the 11 confused anti-Nigerian progress conservative always come and “eat” Presidential aspirants that represent a roll-call of the grandees of Atiku and his camp who seem to have sworn to see that the anti-corruption drive of Buhari must come to a halt. The Campaign Director General of Atiku is Saraki with a former Governor of Katsina Shema a member. It includes all those who are charged by the anti-graft agencies for swallowing like serpents the budgets and petro and gas dollars. The grand masters in budget padding and the support of projects that border on direct and indirect stealing from the treasury are pretending to be messiah. Characters like some former Senate Presidents and their deputies, past Governors serving and retired but not tired who brag when charged for corrupt practices by saying it is “laughable” because the judiciary is believed to have compromised in favour of helping to empty the treasury for themselves and their kids.

Even if they have not been convicted because of the slippery justice system, the fact remains that corruption out of the 16 years misrule (May1999-May 2015) had been as clear as the darkness at 12 mid-night when NEPA takes off light and there is no standby generator.
The Nigerian Constitution is a carbon copy of the US Presidential system. The difference between the Nigerian copy cats of the West and Israel is that they lack the zero telorance with corruption. Their living interests is to copy the nudist culture and the socially engineered moral decay of the West. They dress and imitate anything bad from the West.

The unfortunate is that they do not live by the good part of the “Christian West” although last month I had in the BBC that over 50% in the UK are “ungodly”. Government officials in the West and Israel do not condone corruption and lawlessness as Nigerians do. There is no way the camp of Obasanjo, IBB, Saraki Jonathan, Ekweremadu and the ex-Governors, and those who have stolen money and refused to pay salaries and pensions be voted.
With respect to morality in these same nominal religious countries despite the amoral freedom to go your way, those involved in political sex scandals will be asked to resign public office or legislative seats in Congress. Brett Kavanaugh a Supreme Court nominee denied an allegation by Christine Blasey Ford’s of sexual assault way back to his high school and college years decades (over 25 years) back. He was investigated and just narrowly scaled nomination. Many victims of similar political sexual scandals failed to scale through which to the likes of shameless Nigerians they treat as “laughable”. In Nigeria within less than 16-30 years all those identified with corruption cases see the ill-gotten wealth as an investment. So they see the office where economic crimes are generated as a business venture that they must pursue in a do-or-die matter. A former Israeli President was sent to Prison for corruption cases that were linked to his days as the Mayor of Jerusalem. Why then accept a repeat of policies that failed to see us develop that Obasanjo, IBB, Abdussalami Abubakar, Jonathan former Heads of State with partners in the Senate as David Mark, Saraki and Speaker Tambawal and the Governors that never got it right in the promotion of economic growth.

Nigerian voters are advised to be critical with the words of wisdom which say do not ask the character of a person but find out who his associates and friends are. For a friend of a thief is a thief no two ways about it. With below average thinkers in the Atiku camp whose living interests are to pursue selfish interests, dividends of democracy could be a mirage. I foresee a scenario under Atiku whereby it will be nothing other than loot and create ethnic and religious conflict to divert the masses from their looting agenda. At the same time, I fear there after refusing to pay workers pensions and gratuity these PDP Governors and other selfish politicians with their crooked legislatures made laws to the effect that they pay out-going Governors N200 million as pensions upfront.

Is it not true that these “earthquake corruptions” as described by the United States under Obama not the part and parcel of the PDP 16 years misrule?

For these “wonderful snakes” stealing is not corruption a stanza from a former President Jonathan with a Ph.D. Now consider the US styled Constitution that we barrowed blindly. Even if one does not like the Yankees, he is not left in doubt that “they have no friends but interests”. It is up to you to fight for your interests. So even if one does not like the Iranians, he will admire them for also “fighting for their interests”. If the US-Zionists advocate for regime change, Iran equally would rather have regime change with Trump and Netanyahu in the den of a Hitler scenario for the good riddance of “arrogance” that is making the world dangerous by the day.

But lo! Nigerians do not care if Nigeria remains in the hands of looters. The amoral unfortunately have only the desire to implement bogus projects and the proceeds of cash missing like the US 16.0 billion Dollar Obasanjo power projects. They contrive and promote Boko Haram together with globalisation agents and steal money for arms that end in the pockets of the grandee snakes of PDP and plant bombs in worship places to accuse their compatriots in other faiths.

Corruption, they keep quiet. Do these people think that their Lord the almighty Allah sleeps? Or that he is afflicted with forgetfulness to allow them turn Nigeria into their private companies as the owners and the major share holders to decide who gets what. And we the people remain zombies or people afflicted with autism?

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