Friday 9 August 2019

Bishop Oyedepo Rain Curses On Fulani Herdsmen Who killed.......

Jeremiah Omolewa, last Sunday night was on his way with his family from Abuja to Kaduna when tragedy struck. He was killed, while his son escaped and his wife abducted. The kidnappers have demanded N50 million ransom to set her free.
The Presiding Bishop, Living Faith Church worldwide, David Oyedepo has placed curses on alleged Fulani herdsmen who killed one of his pastors, Jeremiah Omolewa.

The bishop was visibly angry on Thursday night when he placed the curses.
Oyedepo spoke on the second day of the Church’s week of spiritual emphasis.

“Just last Sunday night for those of us who may have heard the news, one of our pastors was hacked down by Fulani herdsmen from Abuja to Kaduna. I want you to know that it’s the last they will do because I am going to lead you now to release curse of God upon his assailants and all their backers.

“Except I am not sent, their end has come. This evil system will crash. And I am speaking as a Prophet, not as a pastor, like somebody walking on the street. This evil system that has no value for life, this wicked system – Fulani demons: In the name of Jesus, their end has come.
“It’s not by force that we live together. Nobody in this land has more stake than me in Nigeria. The church is not begging to live. The church has the legal and divine right to live in this country. You know because the church has played so cheap.

“God curses. He said whosoever curses you, I will curse Gen 12:3. Oh God, confirm your curse upon them.
Jesus curses. The fig tree which thou curseth is withered away, how quickly Mark 11:21. Release your curse upon these wicked men.

“The Holy Ghost curses. Paul full of the Holy Ghost, looked at that demon called Elymas, released a curse upon him and he went blind same time, Acts 13:9-11. Holy Ghost, release your curse upon these wicked men. They just crossed the red line. They just crossed the red line. They just crossed the red line,” he said.

According to Oydepo, “Some 42 children were mocking Elisha. Elisha turned back and cursed them in the name of the Lord, 2 Kings 2:23 and 2 she-bears came out of the woods and destroyed 42 of them. For mocking the church of Jesus Christ, I decree your destruction NOW. Any authority or personality backing you, their generation is cursed.

“Nobody dares a Lion’s cub, when the Lion is awake. That’s what you have done and in the name of Jesus, every gang up from hell, within and outside the country, responsible for sponsoring these wicked men, I curse your root forever.

“Everybody, stand and release curses, praying in the Holy Ghost. Release the curse of the Lord, the curse of the Holy Ghost and the curse of Jesus upon these wicked men. Release the curse of God upon them, from their beginning to the end. Release the curse of the Lord upon them.

“It’s a hard thing to kick against the pricks, your end has come, you have just crossed the red line and in the name of Jesus: Cursed art thou and your generations after you; Cursed art thou and your generations after you; Cursed art thou and your generations after you. Cursed art thou tonight.

“Cursed be these Fulani herdsman, cursed be their generations, cursed be their sponsors in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ. How many believe when I pray, God hears? How many believe when I release verdicts, Heaven confirms it? Forget about them!

“Forget about them, they are out of history. Their leaders are out of existence. Their sponsors run dry forever, they will see sand and call it money in the name of Jesus Christ. That fig tree mocked Jesus, and He cursed it – no one eats fruit from thee forever, Mark 11:13-14. Any name you have been hearing now, you will soon stop hearing them. They will go into oblivion.

“Every devil, wherever they may be, whether in power or out of power, the curse of the Lord catches up with them tonight. Thank You Jesus. Some NUC authority said recently, your University is the best but they pay the least. Students pay the least. That is what we are doing in the country, we are adding value. These people have never added anything, curse be their roots, curse be their sponsors and curse be their generations. Thank You Jesus

“You touch my son, how dare you! Can you ever escape? Your charmers can’t help you, your enchanters can’t help you. I release the judgement of God upon all your charmers, all your enchanters, I command waves of insanity over them. Thank You Jesus. Anyone that dares any of you, goes down for you on the spot.”

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