Wednesday 7 August 2019

Rape Lady Wants DNA To Father

The complainant, who was adopted at the age of seven months in the 1970s, learnt from her adoption files that she was conceived when her 13-year-old mother was raped by a 35-year-old family friend.
A middle-aged woman in the UK who says she was conceived by child rape wants to bring her father to justice by using her own DNA as evidence – branding herself a “walking crime scene”. 
The woman, who wants to remain anonymous, said her birth is proof of a child rape and wants a DNA test carried out to use as evidence against her father.

“I’d always thought that it was so wrong that my birth father was never prosecuted,” the woman told the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme.

“It was then that I thought, I’ve got DNA evidence, because I am DNA evidence. I’m a walking crime scene and it’s all written in the files. Surely people are going to take me seriously.”

The complainant is hoping to bring what is termed a “victimless prosecution” – where no evidence is submitted by the victim of the alleged crime – because the law does not recognise her as a victim and her mother does not want to be involved in legal action.
West Midlands Police said they had closely coordinated with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) over the allegation and it would not support a prosecution through the courts.

The daughter said she discovered the context of her conception while studying her own adoption records when she obtained them at the age of 18.

“The records said she’d gone to babysit at his house, and he raped her. It says in seven different places in the files that it was rape,” she said.

“It states his name and address, that social services police, health workers knew – but nothing was done about it. It made me feel angry devastated for my birth mum. For me.”

The complainant added: “This has nearly beaten me down. Being adopted comes with so many difficulties, and the trauma of this has affected every part of my life. But I will persevere because I know this is so wrong and I want justice.”
She said her birth mother had been let down by the original police investigation which took place back in the 1970s.


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