Thursday 3 June 2021

AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine: Mum-Of-Three Dies After Suffering Blood Clots

News reached Talktokemi, that a mum-of-three died after suffering with blood clots following the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.

Tanya Smith, 43, was rushed to hospital after waking with stomach cramps days after her jab.

The child-minder had felt “pretty rough” after having the vaccination in March, her partner said.

After being admitted to Plymouth’s Derriford Hospital it was found she had multiple blood clots.

Tanya, from Mutley in Plymouth, suffered a heart attack and then deteriorated before dying in hospital on April 3.

Her partner, Kenneth Edwards, said: “She was just amazing, selfless, She was a child-minder, a really good child-minder for 19 years.

“She leaves three children behind, two grown up children and a 12 year old little girl with disabilities. She was the only woman, apart from my mum, who really looked after me.

“She loved her family, she was really family orientated and she’d go above and beyond. We’re all pretty lost without her. I’ve never experienced anything like this.” 

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