Sunday 2 April 2023

Osun Oba Joined Ancestors

Oba Okanola reportedly passed away late Saturday in a hospital in Osogbo, the state capital. His death was made public by Saheed Opatunji, a former Chairman of Egbedore Area Council. 

The Olokinni of Okinni in Egbedore Local Government Area of Osun State, Oba Akadiri Okanola, has joined his ancestors. 

His demise is coming weeks after the passing of another traditional ruler in the state, the Elende of Eko-Ende, Oba Abdulrauf Olaniyan. 

Palace sources, who preferred anonymity, also confirmed the demise of the monarch. 

Oba Okanola was installed in 1991, and altogether, he has reigned for 32 years. 

He will be buried according to Islamic rites later on Sunday.


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