Friday 1 August 2014

Low Transport Patronage, Fear Of Insecurity High

Commuters and transporters on Wednesday blamed low patronage of motor parks in the Abuja on current security challenges in the country.
Some of the transporters said that the parks had witnessed the lowest traffic for the first time during a religious holiday. Raazak Alfa, who returned from Ibadan, said he was compelled to travel.  Despite the fact that there is no increase in the fare, the state of the nation as per security is something to be scared of.  

This Sallah is a difficult one although I had relief when I got to Ibadan; living in Abuja is now scary,” he said. Another commuter, Joke Adeniyi, said she was forced to travel to Ilorin to attend her mother’s 70th birthday celebration. ‘It is not easy to travel in this scary situation. But I had to go because of my mother’s birthday. Anything could have happened at the park or on the road; the fear of insecurity is high. Truly, I did not enjoy my trip,” Mrs. Adeniyi said. 
Olorunju Alabi, the Chairman, Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria, RTEAN, FCT chapter, however, said the management had taken steps to provide security at the parks. “We now conduct search on vehicles and passengers. We have also stopped indiscriminate parking around the parks,” Mr. Alabi said. He said that although transportation fares had not increased, the parks still witnessed poor patronage during the Sallah celebration. Nathan Atume, a passenger, urged government to equip parks across the country with modern security gadgets.


  1. Man pickin must fear for dear life

  2. She had to be your mummy to take that risk
