Wednesday 23 September 2015

Migrants To Be Deported Back To Countries

A call that leaders should deport more economic migrants who don't have a true claim to asylum back to their various countries has been made by Prime minister Cameron.
The announcement was made during a meeting at Chequers with French president Francois Hollande.

The Prime Minister is joining other European leaders at an emergency summit in Brussels later today.

A deal agreed yesterday to relocate 120,000 people across the EU is already creating huge rifts among member states.

A Downing Street spokesman said Mr Cameron and Mr Hollande spoke for an hour about the migration crisis, the situation in Syria and climate change.

The pair said there needed to be more aid to countries neighbouring Syria to help ease the flow of migrants.

The PM's spokesman said the two leaders had agreed that today's summit must have a "comprehensive approach".
The pair "agreed that EU countries should do more to return migrants who don't have a genuine claim for asylum to their countries of origin", the spokesman said.

Of the 50,400 refugees being allocated from Greece, the largest number (13,009) will go to Germany.
A further 9,898 will go to France and 6,127 to Spain, while the others will be divided between other countries.

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