Tuesday 14 June 2016

UK Tabloid Reveal Jonathan’s Mansion Worth Btw £10m n £15m

UK Sun British tabloid newspaper claimed ex-Nigeria president Dr Goodluck Jonathan has bought himself a mansion in the UK worth between £10m and £15m.
The Sun which claims that he is following on in the tradition of Nigerian politicians buying homes in the country.

According to the newspaper, Dr Jonathan's new palatial home is located in the Surrey suburban town of Weybridge. Apparently, it is a 12,000 square foot house in the ultra-expensive and well protected St George’s Hill estate in the leafy and quiet town of Weybridge.

Using current market prices, the paper puts the market price for such houses in the range of between £10m and £15m. This staggering figure that may well surpass the cumulative earnings of the former president for the five years while he was in office.

Dr Jonathan served as Nigeria's president between 2010 and 2015 and before that was acting president for a year while the then president Umaru Yar'Adua was ill. Between 2007 and 2009, Dr Jonathan served as vice president and before that was the governor of Bayelsa State, assuming office after the governor Chief Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, was impeached.

While in office, Dr Jonathan earned an annual salary of N14.41m (£50,000) according to the Federal Inland Revenue Service. This, however, does not include other perks and the fact that in his position, he received numerous gifts.



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