Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Looming Fright: The Fear Of A Woman - K Jinadu (Must Read)

Ambiguity is an understatement, a feeling that refused to go away yet haunt in an unknown manner.   It’s the fear of the unknown, the inevitable fear that looms and just won’t go away, the possibility of the unprecedented political inexperienced persona becoming one of the most powerful leaders in the world.

Just minding my own business online but was shock to stumble on an opened-cans-of-worms which revealed another side to the supposed definite outcome of the U.S impending presidential election at the time.
Earlier at the beginning of the campaign after the U.S primary election Hillary Clinton winning the election to many was more than certain but that is not the case now.
The FBI investigation against Hillary is the least of the reason behind the change of perception, at least for me.

A Nigerian vlogger based in the U.S decided to share her horrible experience within the black people resident in America.
The tale of her emotional encounter was gripping as she appealed to the black Americans that they can live together with love and as one.  The video was not only watched by many but almost a thousand left comments.

About 97% of the comments were rude and demeaning insults not just against black race but condescending and vilifying slurs from black Americans to African migrants.
Some used fake identity others could not be bothered to hide.

Words such as Africans go back to your country, fraudsters, smelly, dirty lots, food stank, gigolos, lousy sorcerer, Trump coming for ya’all, Donald the man to clean out Africans, the messiah………………
The insults continued, I won’t bother to mention the never-ending swears, but what grabbed my attention was the huge silent support from black Americans for Donald Trump, that we rarely see on TV.

These online discoveries led me to other sites with similar views.
It dawned on me that the division among black Americans and African migrants was intense than I had ever imagined, the reason the Nigerian Vlogger had to plead to them on video.

The fear of terrorism invading the country resonates frequently in their comments, a feeling many shared all over the world; this gives Donald Trump an edge over Hillary.

It’s a strong point for Americans, many of Donald Trump’s supporters are loyal, keen and would go to any length if only to close the borders and chased the Africans out.
Its evident Americans do not want or welcome the influx of foreigners, for some is as a result of racism, some feel their country has lost its identity, culture and tradition; for others the fear of terrorist has eaten deep into their hearts.

Allegations of Donald Trump groping numerous women, unpaid taxes, unrealistic tax policies that favours the rich only, allegation of unpaid employees, clandestine allegiance with Russian Putin, degrading comments against women and locker-room talk would not deter his ardent supporters.
Their minds are made-up.

The democratic presidential candidate on the other hand is a far better debater compare to Trump, unruffled with Hillary Clinton’s upright intellect, also possessed a vast knowledge of political experience.
I won’t hide my admiration for Hillary Clinton, I admire her so much, a fighter, a strong, opinionated, intelligent, composed woman.

Hillary Clinton seemed to be the favourite of majority but is not a true picture of the final election result as some seemed to be discreet about their support for Trump.
My fear for Clinton is that her supporters are diverse, some Americans, many ethnic minorities, which is not bad but how committed and dedicated are they?   How far and what length are they willing to go for Hillary to win?

Then again I experienced this same feeling during the Obama presidential election in 2008 as most polls stated otherwise but the difference was Africans and Black Americans were for once in unity for Obama.

(Hypothesis) Assume Hilary’s supporters are 55% and Trump’s is 45% of the America’s voting population. If 37% of Hillary’s and 40% of Trump’s supporters vote, Trump would win.
No more campaign after election and this is my fear exactly, poll surveys are not an accurate revelation of the final election, look at what happened in the UK; Brexit poll was in favour of UK to remain in Europe but the outcome turned out otherwise.

Whatever happens U.S is about to experience an unprecedented change if Trump wins he would be the first independent inexperienced politician but business mogul to become the U.S president.  If Hillary wins she would be the first female president to occupy the white house but my intuition suggests it might not be for long.  Hillary's political opponent would not let go they will keep digging for fault, prosecution or impeachment just like the ex-female Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff.

I cannot help but to think American politician are not ready for a female president; politics in America is dominated by men just like most part of the world but then would they ever be ready? 
I do not think the loud noise about leaked/deleted emails is so much of a problem but an excuse to disqualify and start a case that might lead to impeachment if Hillary wins.  

OK, but why not a woman?  Is the fear of a woman!!!!!!
Have you ever have a female boss? If yes, I guess your thought is as good as mine. 
They can be a pain but industrious, most diligent woman leader would exercise discipline, expose and uproot the corrupt ones.  Clean and wipe out inefficient, immoral, and dirty mole at all levels.

FBI’s recent opened investigation against Hillary speaks volume, although she's not a saint I cannot help but to think a strong force stands behind Donald Trump, doing whatever they could to stop Hillary.
The allegations of hacking could be perturbing but the aspect of online voting made the dreadful feeling even worse. If hacking into white house email revealed by WikiLeaks is true then hijacking the people’s voting online might be a tip of the iceberg.

Trump appears more confident lately he won’t hesitate to tell the world that he is going to win the election, I wonder where the confidence suddenly sprouted from; not the same man that was grumbling about rigging and complains bitterly about FBI Comely.

Many Americans feel like their freedom, self-governance, and democracies has been taken away, by the foreigners who have been given the freedom to take part in their governing and voting system. They lament online about foreigners domination, that it does not represent the true view of the REAL AMERICANS.

Who are the Real Americans?
Aside rigging allegations the issue of REAL AMERICANS is a point I sensed Donald Trump might also use if he lose the election, he has openly insinuated that he would not accept defeat.
As of today the FBI’s RECENT investigations into the email saga has not really proved or reveal Clinton’s wrong doing.
My advice is for supporters to act by voting do not sit at home, vote online act………………… your one vote matters…………………

By K Jinadu

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