Saturday Sun came across Akunna Nwala, a trained lawyer from the University of Nsukka whose passion for beautiful hair made her divert from practising her profession to producing and selling 100 per cent woman human hair. A vibrant and boisterous lady, she has become an expert in the hair business through her hairline Kuku. The most fashionable and glamorous women adorn her hair range and there's no stopping her. She educated Saturday Sun on the intricacies of human hair;
How does one spot a high quality weave?
These days with the help of hair acid
bathed and silicon baked, its pretty difficult to differentiate high quality
virgin weave from the rest.
First,the smell is a major factor. Once
you perceive that chemical sharp smell, which, most times can't be masked by
shampoo perfume, run. It is low quality hair. Second, when hair is too soft to
be true, that's a bad sign. Also, good hair does not come cheap, because each
hair donor is paid for the hair harvested from their head in a ponytail. From
there, it is washed, treated for lice and wefted, so all these works do not
come cheap, and finally as I always say, beautiful hair would speak volumes for
itself. Durability, resilience in hair texture would tell it apart and make it
stand out from the rest.
From where do you get your stock?
Kuku hair comes from all over the
world, wherever good hair is Kuku's hair would chase after.
Why did you leave law to be a human
hair entrepreneur?
The law profession is and would always
remain my first love, but beautifying a woman is my hobby, and right from
childhood you would see me mesmerized by healthy hair. By the time I was in
college, I literally went to the salon every week to have my hairstyle changed.
By the time I graduated and was working and could afford to buy proper weaves,
you would see me searching for the best. Then my mum, who is very business
inclined, though an academic, encouraged me to make money out of this habit and
Kuku's Hair came to be.
How was the transition for you
especially since you came from a highly academic background?
There hasn't really been a complete
transition for nowas I still have my 9 to 5 jobs which, thanks to my dear mum,
she wouldn't let me quit, because it can't be heard that her daughter, a
lawyer, is a 'hair trader. Today, seeing what I have transformed it into and my
passion for it, she is my loudest cheerleader. I know eventually I would retire
into it. At the moment I am still pursuing an on-line higher degree.
Apart from your human hair range, what
are your other interests?
I love fashion, I have Kuku's Closet,
which sells mainly shift dresses. I love shoes, bags and makeup as well.
Can Nigerian women compete on the same
platform alongside their western counterparts in the business of human hair?
In my opinion, I believe Nigerian hair
business has gone ahead of their western counterparts because of the high
numbers of the end users in Nigeria, and also the high purchasing power of the
consumers here in Nigeria. Most times when my clients are outside the shores of
Nigeria, they keep telling me they find people gushing over their hair,
including the Caucasians people. The only part of the business that is still
striving is the end production within Nigeria such as wefting, etc. and this is
mostly because our people are not skilled in that area. Also, the high cost of
production is a mitigating factor, but at the end of the day we no dey carry
last…. Ever.
What are your challenges?
The main challenge we face in this
business is the influx of substandard human hair in the market, which
definitely would come at a cheaper price. It inadvertently affects our pricing
and sales as well. But the good news is that there are still women who are
sticklers for quality, and eventually buying substandard hair is more expensive
in the long run as you would eventually end up buying over and over again.
With the flood of supposed human hair
touted in the social media and everywhere, what makes yours peculiar?
As I always say, my brand is hair that
speaks volumes for itself. Durability makes us stand out. When clients come I
don't need to talk too much to try and persuade them, they just say to
me," don't worry I know about the hair,".
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