Tuesday 14 May 2013

Super-Storm Sandy Victim Hope Royal Visit Might lift Spirits and Boost Tourism

Prince Harry is to see areas still recovering from Superstorm Sandy on the final leg of his US tour.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will show him the worst hit parts including the town of Seaside Heights - home to one of the most iconic remnants of the storm.
Stranded by Sandy, the haunting image of the drowned 'Star Jet' rollercoaster has become the most famous symbol of the devastation caused by America's deadliest hurricane in 40 years.
Prince Harry Visits The United States - Day Four
Harry at the US Air Force Academy's football training centre
Faded fairground mannequins of Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley that once dazzled on the now decimated amusement pier sit abandoned in a fenced-off storage yard.
Parts of the town of Seaside Heights still look as battered as they did when the water first receded at the end of October last year. But there is also progress.
Last summer the Shore Store fronted onto a bustling boardwalk. Now it overlooks a construction site. The clothing shop and home of reality show 'Jersey Shore' reopened only a week ago, six months after Sandy wiped out the business and scores of others.
Seaside Heights View Taken By Tim Gallagher
A current view of the fairground Pic: @timskynews
Shore Store owner Danny Merk told Sky News: "I'm not going to have the world's greatest summer - it's going to be a little different. They still have to put lights up and build fences. There's still a lot of stuff to be done but I'll still salvage everything.
"Hopefully I'll make enough money to pay my mortgages - that's all I'm looking for. And then we'll get through to 2014 and we'll have a banner year then because everything will be back to normal."
In the absence of any regular income the Shore Store has been offering tours of the reality show's party house. Tour guide Taylor Hurley says in such hard times there is nothing like a royal visitor to lift spirits.
East Coast Begins To Clean Up And Assess Damage From Hurricane Sandy
Homes at Seaside Heights wrecked by the storm
Personally she can't wait. "If he kicks back and has a beer in our town that'd be great. If he wants to have it with me - that'd be even better," she said.
Towns like Seaside Heights live and die by tourism. Peak season is just around the corner and it will be one of their toughest ever.
Mayor William Akers thinks there is still enough time for a last-minute boost from Prince Harry's tour.
"We need to let everybody know that we're open for business that we're ok," he said.
"On our budget we could never afford this kind of publicity we're going to get because one man decided to come to our town."

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