Friday 8 November 2013

Janice Dickinson Sues Rite Aid Over Injuries

Supermodel Janice Dickinson

Janice Dickinson got blasted in the head by a closing parking garage gate, allegedly, and now she's suing Rite Aid over her injuries ... TMZ has learned.
In her legal docs ... Janice says she was on tony Canon Drive in Bev Hills back in July ... when she was smashed in the cabeza by the steel barrier of the parking lot adjacent to Rite Aid.

She is claiming the drug store giant was negligent by failing to "adequately inspect, maintain and/or control the premises."

Translation: bad upkeep on their equipment made Janice fall and go boom.

In the lawsuit, Janice isn't specific, but says she suffered serious physical and emotional injuries. As TMZ first reported ... Janice says doctors at UCLA medical center checked her out after the accident and told her she had a nasty concussion.

1107_janice_dickenson_article_CATSCAN_dateJD is suing Rite Aid and the parking lot company ... for her medical expenses, loss of wages, and damages.

From TMZ


  1. I remember her on ANTM, very feisty. Don't like her

  2. She sometimes act like she's consume with evil spirit
