Tuesday 3 December 2013

“What Paul Walker Hoped To Be Remembered For” - Jesse Brisendine

Jesse Brisendine, a renowned personal trainer and motivational speaker has given a touching tribute to his long-time friend and associate, Paul Walker who died in a car crash in Los Angeles, California.

Brisendine who is saddened by friend’s death wrote on his Facebook wall revealing what the Fast & Furious actor told him years ago about what he hoped to be remembered for.

Read his farewell message below:

3 years ago Paul Walker and I were sitting around talking about goals and dreams. I asked him what he would want written on his tombstone and his response was as follows:

“He was a good guy and a kind person.”

Having known Paul and being privileged to call him a best friend and brother, having travelled the world together, and having shared 1000′s of laughs and tears together, I can honestly say that Paul was more than a good guy and a kind person. He is one of the kindest, caring, compassionate people I have ever met. He always wanted to learn, he always wanted to grow, and he always wanted to be the best person he can be.

I know he would want the same for all those who know him and know of him: to do your best to be the best person you can be.


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