Monday 3 March 2014

BET Honours Awards 2014

The BET Honours award was hosted by Wayne Brady, and the co-host was Anthony Anderson. 

 Legend Aretha Franklin pay special tribute to late world leader "Nelson Mandela".  Carrie Mae

 Weems won the Visual Art award.

The once 17 Grammy award winner sang so passionately in honour of the great Madiba, Nelson Mandela. Carrie Mae Weems won the Visual Art award. Mariah Carey performed at BET

award.Jennifer Hudson sang and performed in honour of Aretha Franklin. Mandela's

daughter receive a lifetime award on behalf of her father.  Janea Monae and Tamar 

Braxton also performed at the BET award.

Rapper Ice Cube a writer, who produce TV and music project, keeps revolving; was also honoured with an award, he dedicated award to Kimberley Ice Cube's wife. 


  1. Aretha is grown quite old, but fashionable.

  2. Big up my man, Ice cube
