Wednesday 9 April 2014

Nigerian Army Attacked Keana Town - Fulani

An association of cattle breeders in Nasarawa State has said that it was indeed the Nigerian Army who attacked the Fulani settlement near Keana Town last week Thursday.
Secretary of the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria MACBAN, Nasarawa State chapter, Muhammad Salihu called for a full probe to find out what occurred during the invasion by the Army.

They revealead that reports that the Nigerian Army killed about 30 fulanis was true and that most of the dead were 70 years old and have live in the are for about 20 years.

They also revealed some sad details that the soldiers twisted and broke some women’s arms.

They said:“We are certain that soldiers perpetrated the act,” Mr. Salihu said. “They came with APCs, Armoured Personnel Carriers.”

The cattle breeders said they do not trust the army's probe because the investigation would yield the perpetrators. 

Word around town says that the invasion was a revenge for a series of Fulani herdsmen attack on neigbouring towns in the Nasarawa, Benue and Plateau states, in Nigeria’s Middle Belt region.

Mr. Salihu said:“It’s unfortunate that the government think that by attacking the nomads then they are solving the problem; it’s not done. We agree in every tribe or group you have bad eggs but direct confrontation is not the best way to resolve the issue,” he said.

Meanwhile a survivor of the attack, One Salamatu Jibrin revealed that the soldiers came in with their combat clothes and drove into their compound, handpicked victims including guests who came to pay their respect with her family over her father in-law's death.

She revealed that the soldiers handpicked the men out and lined them up and started shooting, One of the men who died was her husband.

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