At least one million 35cm blocks were used in the сonstruction process that lasted for two years.
The hotel has a unique micro-climate: an air free of pollution and allergens, rich in micronutrients, with a constant temperature, high humidity, and free from harmful radiation. It has 16 rooms, a dining room, a bar, saunas, steam rooms and, of course, salt baths.
Furniture is made from blocks of compressed salt, note, that licking the stuff is strictly prohibited! The menu is also salt-themed so if one day you run out of salt you know where you can find it plenty.
This resorts are beneficial to patients suffering from asthma, COPD, recurrent infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract and allergies. Increasingly, also people who do not suffer health problems choose to rest in the depths of the earth to improve their fitness, attain psycho-physical balance, and regenerate the body.
Source: Mirror