Friday 2 May 2014

Zimbabwe 'witches' Die After Drinking ‘Holy Water’

A Zimbabwean healer (much like the Sudanese “faki” shown here) is on the run after two women accused of being witches died after drinking supposedly curative “holy water” he had given them.
Two Zimbabwe women accused of being witches have died after drinking a mysterious liquid they were told would cleanse their souls.
Jersey Mutero, 83, and Erita Bhebhe, 73, collapsed in agony in Mangisi Village last Saturday after imbibing what turned out to be poison.
They died on their way to hospital.

Local healer Maxwell Pira, who gave them the drink, has now gone on the run — with cops saying he could be charged with double murder.
The New Zimbabwe reports relatives of the pair believed they had been possessed by demons and were responsible for a young girl falling sick.
Ordered to visit Pira, he brought the women to a gathering before passing them a cup containing an unknown substance.

"Pira gathered all family members and started praying for them. He also said prayers for a liquid, which he called holy water," said police spokesman Emmanuel Mahoko.
"He told everyone to drink the water passed around, but warned that those responsible for the sickness of the young girl shouldn't drink the concoction as they would die," he added.
The two women, believing they were somehow accountable for the illness, drank up — and then collapsed. Cops are now analyzing the liquid.

Daily News


  1. Witches everywhere don tire. God protect his own people.

  2. it was'nt holy water after all. too bad

  3. Africans are overwhelm with superstitious beliefs, is ruining most lives
