Thursday 12 June 2014

Give Up Husband For Initiation Now Paralyed

According to Leadership, a 42-year-old housewife named Awulika Igbenoba in Ekuku Agbor Delta State is now paying the price for getting involved with witchcraft.
She had allegedly offered her husband for witchcraft initiation so they'd get rich and now she is facing the wrath of the community’s gods.According to report, after the woman's husband was sacked from a private company where he was working, the family had been been trying to make ends meet.

Anwulika, the mother of four was said to have sought assistance from members of a meeting she belonged to and that's how she was introduced to native doctor in Kwale community in the state.

She was allegedly given a charm by the native doctor which she used in preparing a meal anad after she and her husband ate it, they suddenly found themselves in the witchcraft coven.

Leadership reports that two months after the alleged initiation, two of her children died mysteriously in their sleep. After which she was hit with a strange ailment which has left both of her legs completely paralysed.

While confessing to her evil act, on the evening of Tuesday, June 10 in the community she said, “I was introduced by the president of our meeting to a man in Kwale community who prepared a charm for me to put in the meal that was later served for my husband, after taking the meal I found myself and my husband in their meeting far away on top of the trees where it was decided that before I am given what I am looking for I should offer my two children for a sacrifice”.

However, an elder statesman in the community said the community is happy that the woman's charm backfired, returning the evil to her family.


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