Tuesday 8 December 2015

Couple Visited Gun Range For Target Practice Before Massacre

The couple opened fire with assault weapons at a holiday party for Farook's work colleagues last Wednesday, killing 14 people and wounding 21 others
They were killed hours later in a gun battle with police.

Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik took part in multiple target practices at ranges in the Los Angeles area, said David Bowdich, assistant FBI director in charge of the LA office.
"That target practice in one occasion was done within days of this event," he told reporters.

Authorities announced last week they were treating the investigation as an act of terrorism.

Mr Bowdich said evidence of planning appeared to suggest Farook, 28, and Malik, 29, had been radicalised "for some time".

However, he added that investigators were still trying to determine exactly when the couple became radicalised or whether someone pushed them in that direction.

The so-called Islamic State has claimed the two were its "followers", and Malik is believed to have pledged allegiance to IS on Facebook shortly before the attack.
Meanwhile, Mr Bowdich said some 320 pieces of evidence had been removed from the couple's home and sent to Washington for analysis, including 19 pipes that could have been used as bombs.

Authorities revealed last week they had recovered more than a dozen pipe bombs and 5,000 rounds of ammunition from inside the killers' home.

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