Thursday 10 December 2015

Michael Adebolajo File Legal Suit Against UK Belmarsh Prison

The notorious killer of British soldier Lee Rigby, Michael Adebolajo has been reported to be suing the UK Belmarsh Prison Service for compensation after two teeth were forcefully knocked in incarceration.
Michael Adebolajo claimed he had been assaulted by five officers at the high-security Belmarsh Prison.

The officers involved were suspended from work after the incident but were later told they had no case to answer.

The 32 year old Islamic fanatic is seeking £20,000 damages following an incident with prison guards as they tried to restrain him.

He is said to have struggled with the officers as they led him from his cell in maximum security Belmarsh prison and claims the resulting struggle led to the loss, Daily Mirror reports.

In response, the Ministry of Justice said it thoroughly investigated the and found staff had done nothing wrong.

Last night a spokesman said: 
“A police investigation into this incident took place and no charges were brought against members of staff. The public will be rightly outraged at the thought of this man receiving compensation from the taxpayer and we robustly defend claims made against the Prison Service.”

If you recall, Adebolajo, and Michael Adebowale, 23, were jailed for life in 2014 for running down and hacking to death Drummer Rigby as he walked to the soldier barracks in Woolwich, South East London.


  1. SO!ADeBolAjo & Adebowale Are Still Alive. THey Should Have Been Sentence To Death. They killed SoThey ShoulD Have Been Killed Too. THat JUDGE Did NOT. DO. WELL.

  2. Rigby can never resurrect to file lawsuit boy

  3. I wonder what a murderer is expected to do with £20k in prison.
