Friday 20 May 2016

“She is super confident, strong and unafraid of her own femininity” - Feyisola Adeyemi

Check-out talented fashion designer Feyisola Adeyemi, in an interview with “Glam&Essence” the dexterous lady spoke about her personal encounter with fashion.....
One of the world’s fashion capital, London, seems to be home for some of Nigeria’s gifted designers who’ve found their space in the high society fashion circle. One of such fast rising designers is the delectable Feyisola Adeyemi, the face behind the high end fashion brand, Luxury by Feyi. 

In such a short time of launching her ready-to-wear couture designs, Feyi is fast becoming the sought after Couturier that international stylists are going to now. G&E recently had a chat with the self-taught designer, whose courteous nature and beautiful sense of style is quite impressive.

How did the label, Luxury by Feyi come about?
It all began with a driving force of an insatiable quest for utmost excellence in fashion. I started out as a fashion blogger on the “Road to Fashion” four years ago, 2012 to be precise, and after two years of fashion blogging, my adventure into the world of designing began.

How did your interest in Couture designing begin?
I guess my love for glamour and art propelled me into Couture designing. I use Couture as a statement of who I am and also to show my creativity, strength, and artistic ability which, of course, you can’t really demonstrate fully on the other platforms as a creative fashion designer.

Ready to wear Couture is your specialty, how was it like putting out your first collection and what inspired it?
It was fun, exhausting and also scary, really scary, because you cannot predict what the reception will be for a budding fashion designer venturing into couture. But I bless God because the reception was overwhelming! The inspiration for the first collection was right from my environment and nature, from what i can see and observe around me everyday. This has been the bedrock of my designs to date. Most times, it’s all about everything around me that has the touch of luxury or glamour. I guess life itself is filled with inspirational ideas, we just need to observe and make use of them.

How easy was it stepping out with a high end label like yours in London?
As we all know, London is, undoubtedly, one of the biggest fashion capital of the world, so creating a high end label to meet the set standards required a lot of hard work and creativity, more so when trying to get the brand out there as an emerging designer. However, believe me, it’s all worth the challenge, I love challenges, it pushes me to improve on what I do, express myself and create the next innovation, rather than wait for it to come along.

Did you get any form of training in Couture Designing?
No, I’m self taught….strange?

How have the London high society ladies received your designs?
The reception has been awesome, unbelievably overwhelming, well beyond the imagination I had when I set out on this journey! God has been really faithful. Although I’m still very new in the Couture design runway, just two years on in the industry but honestly, the “receiving hands” have been mind blowing. 

I’m really grateful to God for all I have been able to achieve within just two years of this exciting journey. The feedbacks I usually get after showcasing my collections are amazing. More so, for my designs to feature in Vogue and Glamour UK magazine says it all, bearing in mind that these are not sponsored features but due to my high innovations, creativity and uniqueness of my collections. Also, for PR companies from Hollywood and New York to be reaching out to me is indeed a pat on the back for all my hard work.

What stands your garments out?
Well, my unrivaled creativity with gemstones and pearls studded artistic statements.

What does it take to own a Luxury by Feyi outfit?
You must have an unshakeable confidence in your own skin, and of course, know your real worth as a woman.

So describe the Luxury by Feyi woman that you dress?
She is super confident, strong and unafraid of her own femininity.

Are you looking at introducing your label to the Nigerian fashion circle?
Undoubtedly YES, absolutely.

What would you do differently for the Nigerian market?
I don’t compromise on the quality of my work and of course, the Nigerian woman would never settle for anything less, so I don’t think I have to change or do anything differently. I will still like to maintain my standard, but maybe with a little tweak for the Nigerian environment.

So what is your vision for your brand after having successfully launched the brand?
My vision is to take the brand, LBF, to the uttermost part of the world, into the wardrobes of the Royals, Celebrities, Corporate Executives and of course, Hollywood big screen. I’m working very hard to get the brand well embraced globally, just like the likes of Oscar de la Renta, Versace, Alexander McQueen and others. God willing, we’ll get their soon, pretty soon.

So let’s get to know Feyisola Adeyemi.Take us into your world of fashion?

Hmmmm, Feyi’s world of fashion…. I see fashion as an extension of my personality, because I believe clothing serves a symbolic function of communicating something about the wearer. Naturally, I like the elegant and glamorous looks, especially on the red-carpet. I guess that’s why I’m tagged ‘D Red Carpet Queen’. Diamond details and glittery is my thing, as long as the details are glam and stand out. Casually, I like to keep it simple and classy mostly, but sometimes I go chic and edgy, depending on my mood and the day’s outing.


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