Thursday, 7 June 2018

Prophet Using Snake To Perform Miracle Before The Congregation

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Ummmh not every tom, dick n harry in the name of prophet/pastors should be allowed to lay hands on your head, sorry! It is true the the holy book says Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead with the word of his mouth and the laying of his hands, so the idea of miracles originates from the saviour of humanity according to Christianity guidance.
Thousands of years later, pastors and prophets perform miracles as a sign of being specially anointed - to perhaps, 'save humanity' even as their methods are unconventional and most times, mind-bugging. South African Prophet Lesego Daniel has found his way to the top list of miracle performing pastors. In the past, Lesego has been seen asking his members of the Rabboni Centre Ministries to eat grass and drink petrol for all kinds of miracles.

Recently, he was spotted using a pet snake to teach the word and perform even more miracles. Photos from the church program have now circulated the internet and for obvious reasons.

The prophet who announced it was communion service wrapped his snake around a cobra cross sign and placed it in the middle of mixes set to be drunk and eaten by the congregation. Daniel went on to preach the word and displayed the snake as a sign to activate the miracles.

The members didn't retreat as seen in the photos and some even seemed to be enjoying the preaching of the apparently enlightened man of God. What many social media users find worrying however, is the fact that despite prophet Lesego using the bible as a guide for his teachings, the same bible, after the a serpent tempted Eve, states that enmity lies between a snake and a child of God. Na wa o!