Friday, 20 September 2019

Oh My God! Adventure Gone Wrong?

Hello Mi Lovely Readers,

Is that time of the week again, for my travel vlog viewers above is another adventure fun video from me. Please don’t laugh at that my mouth😁😁😁, I can’t help it at the time and I am also not ashamed of this act 😀😀lol! If you like my video and you would like to watch more videos please subscribe here.
For those who love to read my stories or articles I was writing but half way through the article you know those, let me call it life challenges rudely interrupted.  So sorry please bear with me.
Two regular readers sent me a message on twitter one of them contacted me the upper week and the other this week; asking if I’ve stop writing both stories and articles; that is being a while.  

One of them said he kept clicking on Ttk Articles to check for recent write-up.
This touched my heart, is being a while that I’ve heard from those who love to read from me.  Those who seem to contact me more lately are those who wanted to hear my views on a particular situation or those who requested for a particular makeup type of video.

It means a lot to me, so I decided to at least write something this week especially for these lovely readers but unfortunately I could not complete it.

I decided to express my apology on this platform in case there are other readers who feel the same, I am deeply sorry expect something pretty soon.
So guys have a nice weekend, God bless you.

Yours Truly


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