Friday 3 April 2020

Lock-Down Chronicle : Are You For Real! What Really Got To Me....

Hello Blessed Readers/Viewers,

How are you? Hope you are all keeping safe.  I’ve decided to keep an account of the lock-down; the above video is a chronicle of my lock-down.
I've put together a diary of my stay at home, the last thing I expected to happen that had happened, the things we took for granted, the fear of the unknown....

Courage is knowing what not to fear even though is easier said.
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7”
May God see us through this challenging period, with God we need to “Face Everything And Rise.”
If you enjoy this video, please subscribe.

Have a nice weekend, God bless you.

Yours Truly


1 comment:

  1. I experienced the same thing in my area i tire o
