Saturday, 25 April 2020

What China Is Not Telling Us........

Hello mi lovely readers,
Above is another video from me please note those figures in the video were accurate at the time the video was produced. How are you? Hope you are keeping safe? Do you believe in conspiracy theories? I found some conspiracy theorist like to think of themselves as critical thinker.  Do you think conspiracy theorist is a derogatory word used to dismiss a critical thinker like some claimed?

At this challenging time there are a number of conspiracy theories going around concerning this pandemic disease.  As funny as some of the conspiracy theories may sound one cannot help but take a minute to think about some of them even though there are no facts to back them up.
As we all hope and pray that we get back to normality, it’s still very important that we continue to take precautions and keep safe as we adapt to changes that has come with the pandemic disease.

There is a common say, it’s not the strongest that survives nor the most intelligent but the one most responsive to change.
Please don’t forget to subscribe to my channel if you enjoy watching this video.
Have a nice weekend, God bless you.

Yours truly

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