Wednesday 4 November 2020

Trump Claims 'Surprise Ballot Dumps’ Are Killing His Chances Of Re-election

US President, Donald Trump has claimed that “surprise ballot dumps” were killing his chances of winning re-election after it emerged his rival, Joe Biden edged ahead in some key states.

After prematurely claiming victory on Tuesday night, Trump angrily accused Democrats of changing the electoral outcome over the night, leading to his sudden lagging behind in the polls against Biden.

Biden took the lead early Wednesday in states that would give him 270 electoral college votes but Trump has cast suspicion on the latest voting results because most of the battleground states are run by Democrats.

“How come every time they count Mail-In ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?” Trump asked.

“They started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted. VERY STRANGE,” Trump tweeted.

Trump has repeatedly decried the impact of mail-in votes, which he believes are subject to fraud.

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many Democrats opted to vote by mail but despite early leads by Trump, Biden roared back on Wednesday to grab the lead in battleground states like Wisconsin and Michigan.  The vote counting is still ongoing. More updates to come.

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