Saturday 25 May 2024

Central Bank Of Nigeria Reportedly Sacked Two-Hundred Staff

Amid economic hardship the Central Bank of Nigeria has reportedly sacked two-hundred staff members. “Over 200 staff members were issued sack letters from the Central Bank of Nigeria on Friday. “However, the number of sacked employees is unconfirmed”, Bank worker confirmed.

Director of Corporate Communication, Hakama Sidi Ali, is yet to speak on the fresh sack as of Saturday morning.

The fresh sacking spree adds to the 117 staff dismissed by the apex bank between March 15 and April 11, 2024.

The termination of appointments affected directors, deputy directors, assistant directors, principal managers, senior managers and lower-ranking staff.

In February, at least 1,500 staff members of the apex bank of Nigeria were redeployed from its headquarters in the Central Area to its Lagos office.

Despite the controversy the decision generated at that time, CBN said the action was necessary to align the bank’s structure with its functions and objectives and redistribute skills to ensure a more even geographical spread of talent.

CBN added that it was also in compliance with building regulations, as indicated by repeated warnings from the facility manager and the findings and recommendations of the Committee on Decongestion of the CBN head office.

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