Wednesday 11 November 2020

US Election: President Trump Begs For Funds To Settle Debts

US President Donald Trump is soliciting for funds to settle his election expenses.  The President has set up a GoFundMe account tagged ‘election defence fund’ to solicit money.

According to the UK Guardian, Trump spent a little more money than he had, seeking re-election.

He spent to the tune of $1.6 billion which he now needs help in repaying.

The newspaper reports that those donating may believe that the fund would go towards battling the outcome of the election in court.

It reports that the part of the donations would be used in settling election expenses.

Donations can be made to two different funds, Trump’s personal fund, and his joint fund with his party, the Republican Party.

“President Trump needs YOU to step up to make sure we have the resources to protect the integrity of the election!” the wording on both funds says, which is featured in a huge pop-up on Trump’s re-election webpage.

It continues: “Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to the Official Election Defense Fund and to increase your impact by 1,000%


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