Sunday 12 December 2021

US/UK Boycott: Protest Against China’s Human Rights Abuses n Atrocities

A Pentagon report last month predicted China will build a string of military bases girdling the world, including in the Arctic. CCP “target” countries include Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, the United Arab Emirates, Kenya and Angola, it said.  Beijing is aiming for global ascendancy – but its leader’s vision of world dominion is centralised, oppressive and totalitarian.

According to report, the US describes its newly announced diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics, backed by Britain and other western countries, as a protest China’s “egregious human rights abuses and atrocities in Xinjiang”, where the Chinese Communist party (CCP) is accused of genocide, as well as its evisceration of Hong Kong’s democracy. 

A separate, worry informs Washington’s action: that China may turn the games into a propaganda extravaganza, showcasing its growing strength to a global audience. Think Gladiator, and then think Xi Jinping, China’s authoritarian president, acting like a latter-day Roman emperor exercising power over life and death. 

It’s not a fanciful image. An independent tribunal’s report last week described the ghastly reality facing thousands of Uyghurs who suffer “acts of unconscionable cruelty, depravity and inhumanity”, including torture and organised gang rapes, in Xinjiang’s concentration camps. 

As the world’s athletes get a thumbs up to perform at the “people’s games”, Emperor Xi gives his uncounted, unseen victims a callous thumbs down. 

It’s difficult to regard Xi – with his unassailable dictatorial powers, his techno-fascist surveillance state that stifles dissent and oppresses minorities, and his aggressively expansionist foreign policy – as anything other than a totalitarian control freak with imperial fantasies. 

Empires, especially Britain’s, get a bad press nowadays. Their close association with colonialism, racism, slavery and other evils is reason enough. But the assumption that such abuses have been banished ignores what is happening in today’s world, right under our noses.

Imperialism, in all its awful forms, still poses a threat. But it is no longer the imperialism of the west, rightly execrated and self-condemned. Today’s threat emanates from the east. Just as objectionable, and potentially more dangerous, it’s the prospect of a totalitarian 21st-century Chinese global empire. 

Historically speaking, empire-building relies on three factors, or projections. First come overseas trade networks or hubs, via maritime links and land corridors. Following close behind comes the establishment of overseas military bases to secure and defend these new interests, with or without local consent. 

Last, nascent empires establish an (often delusional) narrative, or “mission statement”, to justify their activities. British imperialists claimed to be a civilising force, bringing law and Christianity to the great unwashed. The postwar American empire was, supposedly, all about championing democracy. 

Almost as if it had made a study, the CCP is following this western imperialist handbook to the letter – with one important caveat. Beijing does not fight distant foreign wars to sustain its dominance, as the US did in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan and Britain did all over the world. Not yet, anyway. 

The first phase of China’s new imperial age is already in train. Xi’s ambitious belt and road investment and infrastructure initiative (BRI) touches 60 countries. China is the world’s largest trading nation and largest exporter, with $2.6tn worth of exports in 2019. 

Too often, the west appears unsure how to handle China’s challenge – the partial Olympics boycott smacks of weakness. 

The CCP’s focus is meanwhile shifting to empire phase two: military bases. US media reported last week that the port city of Bata in Equatorial Guinea could become China’s first Atlantic seaboard naval base – potentially putting warships and submarines within striking distance of America’s east coast. 

In what could serve as a case study of Chinese neo-imperial strategy, Beijing offered billions in loans to Equatorial Guinea’s corrupt dictator, whom the US in contrast accuses of serious human rights abuses. In such ways are alliances forged and empires built. 

China already has a naval base in Djibouti, in the Horn of Africa. It is said to be considering an island airbase in Kiribati that could in theory threaten Hawaii. Meanwhile, it continues to militarise atolls in the South China Sea.

US concerns about Chinese inroads in Central America centre on Cuba, Panama and Nicaragua. Nor is Europe immune to CCP power projection: witness the worries over Huawei, espionage, and the Piraeus port “gateway to Europe” scheme. Xi makes no bones about his aim to achieve global ascendancy, remake the international order in China’s image, and dominate emerging 21st-century technologies, such as artificial intelligence, advanced computing, information management and the weaponisation of space.


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