Thursday 10 December 2015

Campaign Group Expose Mistreatment Of Cattle Transformed Into Leather

A video footage appears which showed cattle are wounded, malnourished and weak before being slaughtered as part of the billion-dollar Bangladeshi leather business.
The video footage is part of a new campaign by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and was filmed over the course of two years in the Hazaribagh district of Dhaka.

It shows some animals appearing malnourished and others with broken tails and open wounds.

The campaign group says it wants to expose the mistreatment of cattle in undocumented tanneries in the city where the cost of production is very low.

Kirsty Henderson, campaign coordinator for PETA UK, said: "The chances are that leather is on our high street.
"There is no way of knowing because the industry is so opaque."

The USA, China and Bangladesh are all large exporters of leather and hides.

The actual supply chain can be murky, making it difficult to trace a product back to a cow.

Skins move through international auction houses and are purchased and distributed to manufacturers around the world, and finished goods are often exported.

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