Thursday 10 December 2015

Teenager Raped, Shot Twice n Thrown Into Well Survives

The fifteen-year-old, known as Poonam (not her real name), was left for dead inside the well, but managed to raise the alarm and ensure her attackers were arrested Times of India reports.

The teenage girl survived being raped for a fortnight, shot twice in the chest and thrown down a 30ft well .She now survived to bring her attackers to justice.

Poonam was bundled into a car by an acquaintance as she went to buy a SIM card on November 22 around 5pm.She was then taken from her West Delhi home to an isolated farmhouse near Salempur Gurjar village.

The three attackers, two of them minors, kept her for a fortnight and raped her every time they brought her food, police the girl told police.

On Saturday the suspect attackers told her she was going to be released and shoved her into the car.

She tried to escape as the men stopped to have a drink of water. But as she ran away she was shot twice in the chest.

The attackers, who thought she was dead, then threw her in a 30ft deep dry well in Tughalpur Village.

But brave Poonam managed to survive the fall and the freezing night-time conditions and spent hours screaming for help until she was heard by one of the villagers.

Babbal Bhati, who first raised the alarm, told Times of India.

"She was covered in blood and crying when we pulled her out with a rope. We took her to a private hospital nearby on a motorbike."

Despite being in a critical condition, she retain consciousness long enough to tell police what had happened, and all three accused were rounded up.

India Times

Mirror UK


  1. HEee!!! Very WickeD ACTS On Poonam D Men Must Be Sentence to. Life Inprisonment. She would Have died.
